Sunday, October 2, 2011

iPhone and the hype factor

Over the past few months, any person who is remotely in touch with the tech news has definitely heard or seen something about the next iPhone. Yeah, I myself am super excited about it. Or am I really? This is a thought lurking around in my mind for some time now. So as usual, I thought it over, and here are some of my reasons.

I love reading news about new technology, and I'm sure there's nothing more circulating than the news about the new iPhone. Yeah, as the day approaches, at least one article pops up in the media. Guesses, guesses and guesses. iPhone5, iPhone4s, iPhone4G and so on. This sort of hype is definitely good and keeps the readers interested - for a while. And then it gets irritating. To the point that you don't care about them anymore. So why, especially in the case of iPhone[5/4S/4G] is this hype less interesting? Well I believe its because of the following reasons.

First of all, what makes a product super cool? Hardware along with the software, right? In the current case of next gen iPhone, the software to be bundled has already been announced. So half the suspense is uncovered. Or, in my opinion, most of the suspense. Why? Because in today's ever changing market of hardware, its the software that comes along that creates the 'wow' factor. Not clear? Lets see. According to the stories, the next iPhone would probably feature better processor, better camera, bigger screen, thinner form factor, etc. all of which are currently available in the market. So yeah, frankly, there's nothing new. But yeah, again, its the software in synergy with the hardware that creates wonders. Now this, in my opinion, is what Apple holds for its users in the next release of their iPhone. So there are just a few pieces left to finish the amazing Apple puzzle for the next phone.

Now, may be I'm a little over thinking, but hey its Apple - they can come up with something radically different, and I'm definitely looking forward for the event.

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