Monday, October 5, 2009

Expecting to not expect

Yeah, you read it right…never expect anything. Be it from work, people or even life. Now you might think this guy is being a real pessimist, but hold on…I assure you that by the time you reach the end of this post, you will realize what I am trying to convey and some of you might even agree with my words. Coming back to what I was saying, yeah, never expect anything…good or bad. The reason why I am saying this again and again is that lately I have realized that our expectations might not turn out to be ‘real’ in the ‘real’ world. And most of the times, we are left with grief and endless thoughts about what went wrong…where did it go wrong…etc…etc.

Back in my school days, we had a lesson that conveyed the same meaning, in an amusing way, albeit with a positive spirit. The author had, through some his real-life experiences, conveyed a very simple mantra for a happy living… “Always expect the contrary of what you really want in your life to happen”. I don’t remember how happy it made the life of others, but I surely got some good scoldings from my parents for talking ‘negative’ things. But now I realized that better don’t expect anything at all…for your own good J. And by the way, this is what even our Gita says J … ‘the cause of all sadness is your interest in things (or rather, expectations on things, life, luck, people)’

Sometimes its so annoying that what we expect not to happen does let alone something good…I guess fate has its own way of teaching the same principle. I myself have gone through so many of themL. Out of my experiences, I have realized that its not right for us to expect something. Do something because you like to do it…don’t expect the result; love somebody because you love him/her…don’t expect any reciprocation. Instead, I think its good to have confidence in what we do and hope for the best.

After all this long lecture on expectations, I still feel how difficult it is for us to not ‘expect’ something. So am I expecting anything(or nothing?)…well, I am one like you J

P.S: Thanks to my friend for his caption which stirred my thoughts to write this post.


Anonymous said...

hey its nice writeup

but seriously its soooooooooo much heard tht u are not going to expect anything from any one

u kw wt only gd and ""some time"" "Mother" never expect from u
but at some point of time each one expect smthing fm u..:)

Anonymous said...

“Life is not fair; get used to it.”-Bill Gates

Revathi said...

Hey rakesh...
Nice post.Reminded me of the saying.."Do not expect anything for you will never be disappointed"
I tried following this,but failed most of the time:(..As u said "Its too hard not to expect"

Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts.

Vineela said...

nice post rakesh..

When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness....

Always expect for the good things to happen... :)

Unknown said...

Good Post Rakesh...
But we, Human beings will be always expecting.Its very hard to digest if the expected doesnt happen.This happens with everyone...Eventhough we know that the expected will not happen, we always have expectations(i.e., Human Nature).

"Whatever happens to you in life will make you a real person.. " :)